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...include players who need an easier experience, not just a harder one. The difficulty system is very server-friendly, unlike the system used in Difficult Life.
...anyone to write guides that can be used in game as tutorials etc.组系统Self explanatory, it's an in game friends system that is used for various other features such as…区块声明Players will now be able to claim chunks preventing anyone but themselves and/or their friends from building or breaking blocks in that chunk. This is limited via config options.备份系统Back up your worlds on a regular basis. Auto-restart timer - One of the...
... {    B:"Bomb Destory"=true    B:"Field Brun"=true    B:"Friendly Fire"=false}——1.设置爆弹/MG BOMBER爆炸时是否会破坏地形    2.设置机甲带有燃烧属性的攻击是否会点燃方块    3.设置我方的枪械火力是否可以伤害到我方以上均为第一种情况,还有些玩家会发现自己电脑找不到名为第一种修改配置方...
...你是否有过被怪物支配的恐惧。来试试这款MOD吧,在MOD设置或在游戏中输入“/friendlymobsmobs”,即可打开本模组的GUI,选择你讨厌的怪物,使它们能和你友好相处(相当于删除了生物的攻击AI)。此MOD兼容所有模组的生物。多人模式兼容情况:完美(perfect)作者的话:-If multi-player, this mod works on server-side only.-在多人模式下,这个MOD只在服务...
...d Drawers额外发电机 (Extra Generators)Extract PoisonFabric FurnacesCF↗农夫乐事 (Farmer's Delight)Friends and FoesCF↗ (Foege / Fabric / Quilt) / MR↗ (Foege / Fabric / Quilt)一起钓鱼吧! (Go Fish)戈伯2 (Gobber2)高级末影之眼 (Greater Eye of Ender)HalfdoorsHookshot[IR] 工业革命 (Industrial Revolution)inmisInteracticIron Chests: RestockedCF↗ / MR↗[Fabric] Iron ChestsKelp FertilizerCF (Forge&...
...世界里生存,但可以选择何时战斗?现在您可以了![ban:title_menu][h1=模组概述]Mobs are Friends 可以让游戏中所有的敌对生物在受到攻击前保持被动或中立状态,就像白天的蜘蛛一样。[h1=增强功能]现在僵尸、骷髅、苦力怕、蜘蛛等怪物都会处于中立状态,除非它们受到攻击,否则就像白天的蜘蛛一样;监守者会保持被动状态,让玩家可以自由...
...of your mythical creature needs!Pixies are pricks!Now with 800% more dragons!Ender Dragon not tameable!Tinkerer friendly!Shrek not included (sadly)!Rooaaarr!*Dragon Screeches*GUNGA GINGA!nicePrepare for the storm!Ever wondered why rodeos are made in sand arenas? go to a desert!Better bring the fire extinguisher...Out of the roost, into the Cavern!Ah, that's hot.  That's real hot!Lighting? Wait that’s illegalLe Monke!It's Rewind...
...r team up with another player.If you ally with another player, you will not be apart of their team, but will be friendly towards them and their team.If you team up with another player, you will be in their team, and will function exactly like an ally, but with the added perk of gaining extra experience if you were apart of a battle.I might implement the scoreboard team thing in another way, but we will see. This is far from now as I need to get t...
...CurseForge:Diamond Economy - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForgeGitHub:IAmSneak/diamond-economy: Fabric vanilla friendly diamond based economy mod (github.com)[h2=【箱子商店】Diamond Chest Shops]最新版本:1.18.2以钻石货币为基础的箱子商店。钻石货币CurseForge:Diamond Economy - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge钻石货币GitHub:IAmSneak/diamond-economy: Fabric vanilla friendly diamond based economy mod (github.com)箱子...
...时,向所有的玩家发送一个信息; 默认为 false"World Message" = false#Disabled the friendly damage between crewmates; true by default //关闭船员之间的队友伤害; 默认为true"Disable Friendly Damage" = true[Bounty] //赏金#Allows wanted poster packages to drop from the sky; true by default //允许悬赏令从天上掉下来; 默认为 true"Wanted Poster Package Drops" =&nb...
...;     B:"Mob Attacking"=true # Set to true if you want parasites to be fully friendly with mobs from Mob Attacking blacklist. [default: false]设定为true时寄生虫对下列表中的生物保持完全友好        B:"Mob Attacking Friendly"=false # List of mobs that the parasites will no longer attack if "Mob Attacking" is true, Ex: "minecraft:z...
... full or let the Calefactor do the same, preferably both so you will be almost sure not to run out of power.New Friends, Enemies, and AnnoyancesArs Magica adds some new friends for your lonely minecraft world.Spoiler: One thing you will notice are a new type of villager. These Mage Villagers can be found randomly living in- what else?- Villages! They can be traded emeralds in exchange for Ars Magica items and even spells! The other image shows my...
...要求;0表示没有要求(范围为0-100000,默认为0)"Bounty Requirement" = 0#Disabled the friendly damage between crewmates#禁用队友之间的伤害(默认为true)"Disable Friendly Damage" = true#Sends a message to all players when a new crew gets formed#当新队伍形成时向所有玩家发送一个信息(默认为false)"World Message" = false[Bounty] #[赏金]#Allows wanted poster packages to...
...时,向所有的玩家发送一个信息; 默认为 false"World Message" = false#Disabled the friendly damage between crewmates; true by default //关闭船员之间的队友伤害; 默认为true"Disable Friendly Damage" = true[Bounty] //赏金#Allows wanted poster packages to drop from the sky; true by default //允许悬赏令从天上掉下来; 默认为 true"Wanted Poster Package Drops" =&nb...
... completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendlymobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks. #Allowed Values: DAMAGE_NOTHING, DAMAGE_PLAYERS, DAMAGE_ENTITIES, DAMAGE_EVERYTHING是否在殖民地内关闭爆炸,默认值为"DAMAGE_ENTITIES"。"DAMAGE_NOTHING"表示完全阻...
...高等级的敌军是这个数量除以一定的值,比如半机械人是 友军数量/4)I:cfg_spawn_limit_friend=20I:cfg_spawn_limit_friend_max=80I:cfg_spawn_limit_friend_min=50//直升机和坦克的生成数量(高等级的载具是这个数量除以一定的值,比如天启坦克是 坦克数量/4)//载具的敌对关系跟上面的士兵无关,自然生成的载具,有2/3的概率是敌军驾驶员,1/3的概率是友军驾驶...
...bsp;                  friendly                        友善,挨打后会反击,但是会原谅(一会打不到后会原谅,但是上面那个会保持仇恨)            &nbs...
...nish Time Skip" = true(是否开启跳过时间后的惩罚。true为真,false为假)#Disable/Enable friendly fire for owned pets.(禁止或允许宠物的队友伤害。即你的攻击会不会伤害到宠物)FriendlyFire = false(宠物友伤。true为真,false为假)#Blacklist for pet you should't be able to give armor to. Pets from mods, which have custom armor already should be included here (for balancing reasons)....
...y). Default: false    #使wyrms成为中立生物。默认值:false     B:"Friendly to players"=false    # The time in seconds between when wyrms can enrage. Default: 20    #wyrms可以激怒的时间间隔(以秒为单位)。默认值:20     I:"Rage Cooldown"=20    # Rage is applied when wyrms had a target, but had to switch prio...
... and will even defend you if you're attack by another mob and wearing the Necro Set, Default: truelichUndeadFriendly = true非人造铁傀儡和村民会对巫妖产生敌意(默认:开)#If Villagers provide negative Reputation to Liches and non-Player Iron Golems are automatically aggressive against them, Default: truelichVillagerHate = true巫妖每次消耗灵魂能量治疗的数值(默认:5)#How much Soul Energy is cost to he...
右击座狼导致崩溃涉及模组:Feed A Friend 和 Lycanites Mobs涉及内容 Lycanites Mobs的座狼涉及版本 所有(1.12.2-1.0.4~1.7-1.0.4分级 致命在右击座狼时会引起崩溃,且目前无法修复
...:86:df:47:59:80:0f:67:6c:c1:5f:6e:5f:4d:b3:54:47:1a:9f:7f:ed:5e:f2:90 [冒险][朋友和敌人]friendsandfoes-forge-mc1.19.2-1.5.11.ja|Friends&Foes |friendsandfoes |1.5.11 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE [冒险][集成地牢结构]idas_forge-1.4.6+1.19.2.jar |Integrated Dungeons and Struct|idas |1.4.6+1.19.2 |DONE |Mani...
...ARN] [minecraft/EntityDataManager]: defineId called for: class com.cgessinger.creaturesandbeasts.common.entites.FriendlySporelingEntity from class com.cgessinger.creaturesandbeasts.common.entites.AbstractSporelingEntity [22:20:59] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.co.ForgeHooks/]: Called deprecated GlobalEntityTypeAttributes#put for cnb:friendly_sporeling, use EntityAttributeCreationEvent instead. [22:20:59] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.co.ForgeHooks/]: Called deprecated...
...建文件夹\1.13.2\1.13.2\.minecraft\versions\1.18.2自制整合\mods}[14:23:28] [main/INFO]: Found mod file friendsandfoes-forge-mc1.18.2-1.4.5.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at D:\minecraft\新建文件夹\1.13.2\1.13.2\.minecraft\versions\1.18.2自制整合\mods}[14:23:28] [main/INFO]: Found mod file geckolib-forge-1.18-3.0.33.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at D:\minecraft\新建文件夹\1.13.2\1.1...
...ET|Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6afriendsandfoes-flowerymooblooms-forge-mc1.19.2-1.0|Friends&Foes - Flowery Moobloo|flowerymooblooms |1.0.0 |COMMON_SET|Manifest: NOSIGNATUREFarmersDelight-1.19.2-1.2.2.jar |Farmer's Delight |farmersdelight |1.19.2-1.2.2 |COMMON_SET|Manifest: NOSIGNATURE...
...ngvillager, mod:sophisticatedcore (incompatible), mod:kleeslabs (incompatible), mod:villagernames, mod:golemsarefriends, mod:xaeroworldmap, mod:cookingforblockheads (incompatible), mod:controlling (incompatible), mod:prism (incompatible), mod:placebo (incompatible), mod:timber_frames, mod:feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone (incompatible), mod:nomadictents (incompatible), mod:bookshelf, mod:sophisticatedbackpacks (incompatible), mod:takesapillage (incom...
...gfor, mod:cloth_config (incompatible), mod:twilightforest (incompatible), mod:meetyourfight (incompatible), mod:friendsandfoes (incompatible), mod:structure_gel, mod:dungeons_arise, mod:upgrade_aquatic (incompatible), mod:farmersdelight (incompatible), mod:ends_delight, mod:morevillagers, mod:chefsdelight, mod:elenaidodge2, mod:playeranimator (incompatible), mod:bettercombat (incompatible), mod:nethersdelight (incompatible), mod:collectorsreap (i...
...ception: earthworks:models/gunskin/skin.json [17:24:03] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Failed to load skins from yourantfriend:models/gunskin/skin.json java.io.FileNotFoundException: yourantfriend:models/gunskin/skin.json [17:24:03] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Failed to load skins from domum_ornamentum:models/gunskin/skin.json java.io.FileNotFoundException: domum_ornamentum:models/gunskin/skin.json [17:24:03] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Failed to load skins from r...
... dev.ftb.mods.ftblibrary.core.mixin.fabric.PlayerMixin (ftblibrary-fabric.mixins.json) com.faboslav.friendsandfoes.mixin.PlayerEntityMixin (friendsandfoes-common.mixins.json) xaero.pac.common.mixin.MixinPlayer (openpartiesandclaims.mixins.json) net.combatroll.mixin.PlayerEntityMixin (combatroll.mixins.json) net.minecraft.class_3222: com.helliongames.snifferplus.mixin.MixinServerPlayer (snifferplus.mixin...